"You f***ing queer. Hilarious, precarious you Talibani confused, imbellic mimic of a gimmick."
You can see the video in full here
This got me thinking about the use of language and a google and a few clicks later, I discovered Stonewalls campaign. The following text is from their website www.stonewall.org.uk
Young people are hearing the damaging phrases 'that's so gay' and 'you're so gay' every single day at school.99 per cent of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people hear phrases such as ‘that’s so gay’ or ‘you’re so gay’ in school
Only 10 per cent of gay young people say that staff intervene every time they hear homophobic language
84 per cent of gay young people are distressed when they hear the word ‘gay’ used as an insult
To tackle this problem, Stonewall has teamed up with Will Young and Mumsnet to give schools, teachers and young people the tools they need to challenge homophobic language.We've created new posters and guidance for both pupils and teachers across the country that will challenge misuse of the word gay.
We've sent these posters and new guides to 2,500 secondary schools - half of all secondary schools - right across Britain. We're asking them to display the posters and train their teachers to tackle this damaging language.
How many times have we heard kids (And adults!) say 'that's gay' and how many times have we challenged it? Probably not enough.
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